This dungeons you will have access to at level 31 or if you travel to the opening yourself at lower levels. This is located at the South East of the Rivenspire map as shown below.
The bosses are marked on the map below with their names and locations. I shall explain their mechanics as well as what you should and shouldn’t do while facing them.

Boss Fights


This boss is very simple. The boss spawns adds through out the fight so the tank will need to keep with the boss but of course be able to grab them as and when they enter the fight. They are based on health however so the faster the burn the faster they spawn. So do NOT dance around the room or this will get messy quickly. The tank should try to hold the boss as central as possible to keep control and avoid panicking people when it really hits the fan.

Adds – Throughout the fight adds will spawn and these must be dealt with, the tank should try to taunt/chain as many in as possible while the group try to focus interrupting the boss. If you have high dps you can pretty much kill all of the adds with aoe, but if your group damage is suffering you can FOCUS the healers and then go back to the boss. Be careful at low health of the boss however because a large flesh Atronach will come out of a portal to join the fight and he will need to be focused. His health isn’t high but he does have a nasty heavy attack which will need to be blocked if targeted.

AOE Circle – The boss will randomly choose a target to place a LARGE circular aoe on the floor under them. If this is you simple move out of it. It is extremely easy to see and doesn’t move, so don’t panic, just move to the side and carry on as you were.

Heavy Attack – This doesn’t get much simpler, the boss will wind up a HUGE heavy attack with a knock back added to it. Whether you are the tank or not, if this aims at YOU, you *must* block it! This will only aim at the person with agro, so if it is aimed at a dps or healer, the tank dropped the ball!



This is a simple one but does require some co-ordination and for people to relax and not panic running around the room UN-necessarily because that WILL cause a wipe. Focus and pay attention to the mechanics and you won’t have a problem. The tank should hold the boss in the middle of the room and the group should surround her. Do NOT stack on each others feet. Spread out and stand still to start with.

Chasing Aoe – During the fight the boss will pick a player at random. A massive aoe will start chasing them. The trick to this is kiting. If you are not familiar with this do not worry, basically it means keep moving. So, if YOU are the target, let your group know it is you, step back about to the outer circle of your group and simple run around the room in a large circle to avoid it, and when it has gone come back into your position. So long as you don’t run too far away you can still do damage and/or take heals. Just be sure you do not overlap the aoe onto the group. YOU are in control of it, so it if kills your team mates, YOU didn’t control it properly. Relax, BIG circle, get back in…easy. 

​Spiders – Throughout the fight swarms of spiders will spawn. This is when panicking does NOT help. Stay in position, let  the spiders come to the middle. The tank can chain them. taunt them and pin them etc but if you start running around the room when you have agro they are incredibly difficult to control. So let the tank do their job, relax, let the spiders come in and get as much aoe damage down as possible. They do not have a lot of health so are not hard to kill, but it can get messy if people start disco dancing. Remember if you have agro on something, it will chase you until you are dead, so stop running away and take it to the tank!

Heavy Attack – This is pretty simple stuff, she occasionally heavy attacks and this needs to be blocked. Even if you are a dps or a healer, if she is on you, be sure to block this, or you will get a nasty knock back and can make the fight a bit messy.

Cocoon! – During the fight the boss will randomly wrap up a member of the group in a web cocoon! This is crucial as it could be the tank, the healer, OR the dps and even a person who currently has the “Chasing aoe”…Wrapped up in a web AND a chasing aoe is you dead.
This is when your group has to pay full attention. If anyone is in a cocoon this is when your group needs to run over to them and hit the synergy button to release them ASAP! This is a key mechanic above all. If the tank doesn’t get freed, the boss taunt will fall off and she will kill everyone, if the healer is cocooned then no one gets heals, you get the idea!


Chamber Guardian

This boss is one of the easiest in the dungeon honestly BUT can get messy depending on the group’s experience. The tank should grab the boss and simply hold it in the middle of the room. Try to keep it as still as possible to not remove him from possible dps aoes on the floor.

Heavy Attack – Pretty simple stuff here, whoever has agro (should be the tank) will occasionally get heavy attacked! As with every other heavy attack in the game, this needs to be BLOCKED!

Skeletons – Throughout the fight skeletons will spawn, these need to be killed quickly else they can overwhelm you with multiple spawns. They can be controlled by the tank and killed with low to mid aoe damage, BUT if your group is lacking damage overall, focus these down as soon as possible.

Fear – The boss will invoke a spirit throughout the fight (very often) to fear the group. You must break free as soon as possible. A lot of the time the fear is followed by a heavy attack so if you don’t break free fast enough it will hurt. With the boss being melee based he will of course chase people to their feet when they run away, so if you take TOO long to break free, he will travel a long distance and leave your damage aoes. This is negative to the fight because now the dps have to reapply skills and the fight takes longer. Key points basically are, hold him still, and break free fast so you don’t run him around the room. He WANTS to run around the room…don’t let him!


Illambris Amalgam

This boss is pretty looks worst than he is. To start with you will be greeted by the Ilambris twins, Killing ONE of them will result in them disappearing and spawning the boss from the pile on the ground. Do NOT panic. Get in a nice circle, make sure the tank has the agro of the boss and holds him STILL on the pile. NEVER move the boss.

Skeletons – As with most Bone Colossus types the boss will spawn 3 melee skeletons from time to time, these are very low health and aoe will kill them pretty fast, even low damage. But the tank CAN control these with talons/immobilize abilities/status effects and also taunt them. Simply hold them still, no need to run around.

Larger skeletons – Another spawn of adds will come into the fight occasionally. These have a fair amount more health than the basic skeletons. However, just like the basic ones, these can be taunted and controlled by the tank. Do NOT run around the room else these will kill you. They can die easily to aoe damage and/or ultimates but if you run, it is almost impossible to control. Stay near the boss and keep doing what you are doing.

Stomp – The boss will occasionally stomp the ground, when this happens, simply step out of it or block. Blocking will negate a HUGE proportion of the damage so is probably safer.

Rain of Fire – Low health the boss will enrage and constantly rain fire on the ground around the group. All you need to do here is step to one side before each one lands. Watch your feet and kill the boss. Nova helps a LOT for this by the way if you have this available in your group.



This boss is what i like to call the “P.U.G killer” because that is exactly what it does. So many people quit on this low health stack and burn fest due to them not being able to co-ordinate. And here is how you avoid those situations…learning the mechanics. For this fight, of course the tank needs to be taunting the boss and keep agro at all times but above all, positioning is KEY!

Look at the room as a clock face. You have 4 players. EACH player takes quarter of the clock. So, people stand at 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock. DO NOT move from these positions. everyone should have their OWN quarter of the clock! failure to do this WILL result in a wipe and/or silly deaths.

Ground Fire – very so often the boss put her staff in the air channeling an ability, this will place a nasty aoe under the target of her choice and makes positioning difficult, so be sure when you see this to INTERRUPT her either with a bash or a skill that does such. Do not rely on everyone else to do it, EVERY player can interrupt targets (you were taught this at before level 3 in the tutorial) .

The Wipe – This ability does have a name as such but i like to call it “The Wipe” because that is what usually happens. The boss will do a suck in mechanic and pull everyone to her feet in mid air. A spreading aoe will appear under your feet and attach itself to you. Yes that means it follows YOU. During this phase an aoe will appear loosely behind each player!
THIS is why you must be in the quarter clock formation. EACH player should spin their camera, and dodge roll back into THEIR quarter of the clock and AVOID landing in the ground aoe on their side and AVOID all other players. If your body overlaps another aoe, when they explode. You will DIE.

So to recap…suck in mechanic, spin your camera, look behind you, dodge roll BACK into YOUR quarter and avoid the ground aoe (and other players) and let the explosion happen.

It is very simple but if one person does it wrong, you are gonna have a really rough time!



The final boss in Crypt of hearts II is not as hard as it once was, but it is still pretty tricky and requires co-ordination. There are many almost one shot mechanics in here for people with lower cps or for people not paying attention so you must keep your eyes open. The boss although taunted has SOME mechanics which are random. So everyone must be on their toes. The tank needs to keep a taunt on the boss at all times and the group should be in a nice circle around the boss as not to stack, if you stack it becomes a problem because random targeted players cannot tell WHO is the target. So give each other some room (that doesn’t mean sprint around the room).

Lich Crystals – The boss will raise his hand in the air, when he does this he will spawn lich crystals around the room. A chain will come out of the ground and then a big aoe burst will come from them. These are extremely easy to avoid, simply step out of the aoe. There are many of them so it does look scary but just stay out of them and they wont harm you. 

Flying Skull – Occasionally during the fight the boss will target a random player. He will start channeling  for a brief moment and then let rip with a projectile flying skull at the player of his choice. The reason i stated at the beginning that players need to have their own space is for THIS mechanic. If while channeling he is looking at YOU, then YOU are the target and you need to prepare for it. Once it starts flying at you, dodge roll it. Failure to do so will result in MASSIVE damage and a knock down. Low cp players or glass cannons will take a one shot from this and die, so do NOT miss the dodge roll. Spread out so you can see who the target is!

Teleport Blast – The boss will teleport from time to time at a random player, when this happens you must get away from him ASAP! Where ever he lands he will cast a massive spreading AOE on the ground from his feet. It is large enough for a single dodge roll to not be enough if you are too slow. If this hits you, unless you are fairly tanky OR the tank (in which case you will get hit and knocked down) you are pretty much dead in one shot. So, if he teleports, GTFO! 

Ghosts – There are 3 “well” type places on the map with a grill over them. When the boss teleports to these he will release two ghosts. Every time regardless of which one he goes to will be two more. IF you are just going for a completion, kill these fast as you will get overwhelmed. If you are going for hardmode (vet only) you MUST keep these alive. The tank should take the ghosts away and people should NOT be damaging them. In order to complete hard mode you MUST have 4 ghosts alive when the boss reaches for the sword! (35% health).
Hold back on the damage until 4 ghosts are present if your group has a lot of high damage. Be careful not to kill them too early.

Taking The sword! – At 35% health the boss will reach for the sword in the center of the room. This is “go time!”. This is when you can kill the ghosts (if going for hard mode) and also when the group needs to focus and staying close to the boss. The tank should hold the taunt and the group should have a tight circle close to the boss. Do NOT run around the room.

 When the boss grabs the sword the group will be stunned. The boss will then choose a random player in the group and hold him/her in mid air and try to drain them. The player in question must synergies to resist the drain and at the same time the group must do as much damage as possible to remove the new damage shield from the boss and drop the player to safety.

Once the player has been released, the boss can be controlled with a taunt but he will now fight with the sword doing HIGH melee damage and randomly attack players with a charge attack. So, stay in a circle, and if he aims at YOU, be sure to block.

If he is still alive for a while he will recycle the drain phase with a damage shield. At this stage, it is rinse repeat. Do not panic and good luck!!