This is one of the first dungeons you have access to at level 16 or if you travel to the opening yourself at lower levels. This is located at the center of the Stormhaven map as shown below.
The bosses are marked on the map below with their names and locations. I shall explain their mechanics as well as what you should and shouldn’t do while facing them. 

Boss Fights


This boss is very simple with minimal mechanics. As you would expect from the first boss of a dungeon this is not particularly challenging HOWEVER there are still mechanics to follow and this one is MOSTLY all about the tank. Taunt the boss, tun it away from the group, and STAND STILL.

Bite – Very standard light attack type effect. This does a small amount of damage and the tank CAN block it but it isn’t normally necessary. A chunk tank will be able to brush these attacks off, however a dps without a healer taking too many of these bites can cause a problem. This should only ever really be hitting the person with agro anyway (the tank) so the tank should constantly hold a taunt to save any issues.

Tail Swipe – This mechanic is very simple indeed. The boss will wind up a heavy attack and show a cone AOE visual. This is your time to block! IF you do not block you will be thrown across the room and the boss will then chase and follow up with a bite. Tanks can stand up to this easily but a dps or healer can take some large damage from it if not blocked. The key point to this is to hold the boss still (as the tank) and always block this mechanic. It is very simple of course but if you do NOT do this, the boss will run a bit wild, leave the floor dps abilities and people have to mess about scrambling to re-apply damage at a different location. Also the dps do NOT need to run around the room OR be in the bosses face. stay behind the boss and stand still, dancing doesn’t impress him!


Investigator Garron

This boss is a little tricky with quite a lot going on. You need to watch your feet as a group, co-ordinate and don’t run around the room like a headless chicken, it will NOT help. He can be taunted to apply the debuff BUT he will hit whoever he likes with his mechanics. Stand in a formation where you all have your own space close to the boss and keep those heals coming!

Mist – Garron will occasionally channel energy and release a mist cloud in the room. This will chase one player and if caught will do a decent amount of damage over time. Simply move in a small circle around it to avoid it until it has gone. DO NOT run to Grathwood! (yes that was sarcasm) A small circle is all you need.

Restless Souls – Every so often the boss will teleport across the room, usually just before he does you will hear him chant. When this happens he will spawn ghosts around the room. The tank should chain/pull these on top of the boss so that they can be damage down in AOE with the boss. HOWEVER keep in mind that these ghosts can hit quite hard. They channel an ability which CAN be interrupted (all players pay attention to these). If you fail to interrupt them, a nasty spinning ice effect will be thrown at the agroed player doing high damage and immobilizing them on the spot. You can walk out of its range but if caught it can cause problems.

Orb/shot – Occasionally Garron will channel a casting ability and fire a single target direct damage magic orb at his chosen target. THIS is why you stand away from each other in your own spaces. IF he aims at you, you have two choices, block or dodge roll…Either is fine but failure to do either will knock you back a LONG way and do high damage. Some dps and/healers wont survive this so be on your toes!


The Rat Whisperer

This boss is actually quite comical, dancing on the spot until you agro him. He has some very simple mechanics and most of which can actually be avoided/controlled BUT if you don’t pay attention things can get messy fast.

Skeever swarm – When he shouts “come to me my minions” he will summon a large group of skeevers. These have low health and don’t individually hit too hard but if not controlled quickly by the tank and killed in aoe fast by the dps these can stack up and become a problem. Do not panic. If they are on you, worst case scenario BLOCK until the tank has control but do NOT run around the room, running will kill you in the back of the head and make it really tough for the tank to regain control chasing after the things that are chasing you. stand still!

Magic bomb – When he raises his staff he will summon a large magic orb which will land on whoever has agro (should be the tank) which explodes when it hits the ground. It does a small amount of tick damage over time but doesn’t hit the tank too hard, dps and healers should step out of this. However his ability can be interrupted meaning it can be controlled and if paying enough attention, you never have to see it happen.

Slam – This ability is also channeled and can ALSO be interrupted. He will cast swirling ice at the target (tank or whoever has agro) this can hurt quite a bit if it hits a dps so be careful, and the target affected will be immobilized. Interrupt this and the mechanic will never happen.


Uulgarg The Hungry

This boss is one of those bosses that everybody loves to hate. Simple mechanics that go wrong very fast. Firstly there is a room full of enemies that should be carefully dispatched in the middle of the room. THEN the boss should be pulled down the stairs. Be careful however, frantic running around the room will pull him early and you will have to deal with him and the adds at the same time.

Fear  This does exactly what it says on the tin. He will channel for 1 second and then shout causing ALL group members to be feared in a random direction. You MUST maintain your stamina for this fight for THIS mechanic. As soon as he fears you all you MUST break free and get back into position. Position is key, keep the fight as central as possible or else this will get messy FAST.

Heavy Attack – Not always at the same time, sometimes this is random, BUT usually while being feared (if you don’t break fast enough) whoever has agro (hopefully the tank) he will chase down and wind up a very large heavy attack. If blocked by the tank or a dps/healer you will survive and be absolutely fine taking barely any damage. However if you do NOT block it…you are dead. BLOCK, do NOT run!

Whirlwind – Occasionally between the above mechanics he will spin his weapon around his head causing a small physical damage over time AOE. This is extremely simple, step out of it…do NOT run away.


Varaine Pellingare

This boss is quite fun and somewhat annoying. The tank should hold this boss in the center at all times to prevent him running in and out of damage but it is a little tricky due to the randomness of his mechanics.

Heavy attack – Like any heavy attack, this must be blocked. Not blocking will result in a knockdown and lots of damage taken. So pay attention. The tank should be the only one getting heavy attacked but if things go wrong and you are a dps being hit, just block. do NOT run. 

Burst – Occasionally the boss will cast a fast growing AOE on the ground. If you step out of this, you will be fine. if not then you will take a LOT of damage and be knocked down and stunned. You will have to break free after the stun if you actually managed to survive it. A tank can take it but everyone else must get out of it. Also it has a bit of a delay on it meaning it will hit you before it has fully spread, so get out FAST.

Strike – Occasionally the boss “randomly” jump, spin and cast a very large thin cone shaped shock wave type physical attack. This can be avoided with a dodge roll, stepping out of it OR a block BUT you must be very very fast to react. It will randomly hit whoever it feels like and knocks back /down whoever it hits.
The damage isn’t high but it IS annoying and as a tank if you miss the block, the boss will move to your knocked down location taking him OUT of the group’s ground based aoe..hold him still, think fast and block or move.


Allene Pellingare

The final boss in Wayrest Sewers is a PUG killer! If your tank cannot pay attention to heavy attacks, you are all going to die. If the group doesn’t co-ordinate and pay attention, you will all die. IF people run around the room, you will all die. She is simple but one tough cookie. As you would expect from a nightblade, she can one shot anyone in the room if not paying attention.

Heavy Attack – This is simple heavy attack with a kick. IF you are dps and you block this, chances are even though you blocked (unless you are magicka with a shield while blocking) you will either die or be close to death (her follow up attack WILL kill you). If you are the tank she SHOULD only be doing this to YOU…block it. if you do NOT block, you are dead in one shot no matter how chunky you are! 

Spin – After her heavy attack she will do a very fast steel tornado type spin. Whether you are dps, healer or tank you MUST block this. It does a huge amount of damage and any close by members of the group will take an aoe hit form it. If you do not have max health this will most likely kill you. Two choices, block it, or don’t stand so close to the boss (always stand behind not in front also).

Ambush – As you would expect from a nightblade, she can teleport strike you in the back. This is random, can hit anyone and the victim must be fast and BLOCK! then be careful, after this attack she will go to the agroed target(usually the tank) and sometimes followup with another spin attack. If you personally were ambushed and didn’t block, then get hit with the spin after, you are dead. Again, do NOT run around…BLOCK.

Bats – Throughout the fight she will disappear and spawn 4/5 vampire bats. Kill these with AOE damage and control them with the tank, do NOT run away it messes everything up. As soon as they are dead she will re-spawn aiming at the tank (or whoever has agro) and instantly hit with a heavy attack.
NOTE: This heavy attack starts winding up while she is invisible so pay attention to the splashing spark type heavy attack visual. OR just hold block once the bats are dead.

Enrage – The final phase under 25% health, after the last bat swarm…she will go into a black form with red glowing eyes and start hitting harder! The mechanics are all exactly the same (minus the bats) as the rest of the fight however occasionally she will stun the group with a soul tether type attack. be sure to break this if you get stunned FAST, she follows up with a spin and/or heavy attack.