This dungeon you will have access to at level 26 or if you travel to the opening yourself at lower levels.
This is located at the North Central part of the Malabal Tor map as shown below.

The bosses are marked on the map below with their names and locations. I shall explain their mechanics as well as what you should and shouldn’t do while facing them.

Boss Fights

Sonolia The Matriarch

This boss is very simple but the pull can be tricky to manage. This is where yoloers die on repeat. Be sure that the tank goes first and grabs as many adds as possible to take the pressure off the group. The boss can be fought in two ways. You can pull the adds in the entrance to the room separately in a small group away from the boss without getting her attention (which makes things pretty simple) or you can stack everything on the boss. The experience of the group would determine which one you are able to do. Safest of course is take your time.

Heavy Attack – This is a very simple and common mechanic from most bosses. A typical heavy attack which must be blocked or you will be knocked down. Whether you are a Tank or not, if this is aimed at you…you MUST block it.

Scream – This is a cone shaped AOE in front of the boss. She will scream in the direction of the person with agro (hopefully the tank). The tank should turn her away from the group and be sure she is always staying still. The scream damage can be blocked but she does disorientate so if you are affected you must break free. If she is aiming at the dps /healer they CAN also block the main force of the damage but i would highly recommend simpley moving out of the cone so you don’t get hit by it. This can hit very hard to a squishy and should be avoided as much as possible.
The group should be behind the boss and the tank in front of the boss to make this as simple as possible.


Valaran Stormcaller

This boss is quite squishy but it is very easy for people to panic because of the sheer size of one of the effects which happen during the fight. do NOT panic. it is very easy to avoid and isn’t anywhere near as aggressive as it looks. The tank should hold the boss as still as possible facing away from the rest of the group and the group should stand behind the boss ready to move from certain mechanics.

Lightning strike – Occasionally the boss will cast a lightning ability that strikes the player and nearby allies with fork lightening from the sky. This only lasts about 3-4 seconds and increases his resists at the time too. This is a very weak attack so as long as heals are coming i, won’t be a problem to the group. Don’t run away…relax and keep focus on the fight.

Lightning Avatar – The boss will cast a reflection of himself in a lightning form. This can be taunted by the tank and should be held onto with the boss. Do not run around the room with it because it will make it really difficult to control if you do. Once the tank has control of it you should be safe to focus the boss while the reflection dies to AOE damage. The reflection has very low health so if controlled wont cause much of a problem.

Stun – Even with a taunt on the boss he can still sometimes aim at other players so be aware of your health. Occasionally he will randomly stun a player so be sure not to drop too low health while fighting else this can cause a problem if damage is hitting you while stunned. You can break free from this so some quick thinking is required if this happens to you.

Lightning Field – This ENORMOUS AOE will move back and forth throughout the whole fight. All you have to do is move out of the way of it when it comes to you and let it pass. Running around the room will become a massive problem. Frantic behavior will mean more damage will be taken and it is heard for the healer to keep up. Simply move to one side and get back to where you were again. This happens throughout the whole fight and if you get caught it will REALLY hurt. A tank should be fine but dps and healers need to be careful.


Yalorasse The Speaker

This boss is simple but can a bit of a panic to start with if you do not know what to expect. There are a fair amount of adds in the room which need to be dealt with so if possibly the tank should stack them on the bosses feet and hold the boss as still as possible turning it AWAY from the group. Running around the room will cause problems so relax and find your feet. Keep an eye out for ranged adds especially the healer and the archer as they need to be interrupted from time to time.

Heavy attack – This is a simple heavy attack. The tank SHOULD have agro anyway so of course this should be blocked by the tank however… IF a dps or a healer ends up being targeted, so long as you make sure you block this attack you will be fine. If not you will fly across the room.

Whirlwind – Typical of most dual wield melee types this boss can spin the same as the whirlwind/steel tornado ability in a small AOE. The tank will be fine with this but as dps and healers you just need to be out of range of it. so about 5meters away or so and this wont hit you. But if you are up close and it is too late to move, simply block and you will mitigate the majority of the damage. Don’t run just block. 

Lightning Splash – The boss will periodically cast a small AOE of lightning on the floor, usually in the direction of whoever has agro (should be the tank but don’t panic if it is not). All you need to do is simply walk out of it and find another safe position to stand in. The damage isn’t too high but you certainly don’t want to stand in it too long.



This boss is quite possibly the most fun encounter in this dungeon. He doesn’t have too much health but one of the mechanics is a bit of a laugh if you “accidentally” get caught (guilty, if i know it won’t kill me i sometimes stand in it on purpose for fun..but i wouldn’t recommend it until you have high resists!
The tank should position this boss in  the center and turn it away from the group and the rest of the group should stay behind the boss and NOT run around.

Fist  The boss will occasionally punch the ground and then a LARGE grabbing hand will spawn out of the ground into a fist and crush whoever is inside of it. The AOE of this is quite small and should be easy to step out of and avoid. This will stun but the tank can block it and/or break free if caught.

Minions – Periodically the boss will spawn smaller versions of himself. They do run quite fast so the tank needs to be on the ball with these  and grab them fast without moving the boss if possible. If they chase you as a dps or healer don’t panic, they do not hurt much and the damage they throw can be blocked. So if they are on you, block for a bit until the tank has control and all should be fine. They die fast to AOE damage so do NOT run away. 

Stomp!! – One of the most fun mechanics in the game in my opinion. The boss will raise his foot and a rapid spreading AOE will appear. Now this is very important. IF you are unfamiliar with the fight, new to the game and/or have low cps/resist..get out of this as fast as possible and then get back in again when it is gone. Co-ordination is key and if you get caught you will take a LOT of damage. This will throw you into the AIR! and stun you as well.
BUT if i am honest, if you have high resists or around 300+ cps with well placed resist cps, you can survive it and it is a lot of fun to be flung up into the sky! note: you didn’t read that here!

Enrage – The boss enrages under 25% health. He will raise his hands and constantly burst in AOE with lightning damage every second causing massive damage! Don’t try to run it won’t save you. The tank should apply debuff from the taught and try to protect the group, the healer should go to town on the heals and keep people up, and the dps need to stay focused, plant their feet and do as much sustained damage as possible to kill it. IF people stop damage and if people stop healing and run around the room, you will all die. key word here…”FOCUS”


Commodore Ohmamil

This boss is actually pretty simple with only a couple of mechanics but there are SO many adds. He is hard to spot in a crowd too so make sure you pay attention here. The tank needs to grab him as soon as possible but at the same time try to stack as many adds on him as possible so THEY can die in AOE from the group. The dps and healers should keep their eyes peeled for ranged interrupts for casters and archers etc. A simpler way to sort out this fight is to run in and grab some adds first off and burn them down with aoe while the boss comes to YOU. But that depends on your group. I personally would recommend building up ultimate on the trash before this room so that you can hit hard and fast.

Heavy attack – The boss will fire off a nasty heavy attack that will knock down and do a LOT of damage if you miss it so be sure to block this. This will be aimed at who ever has agro (should be the tank) but if it hits a dps or healer, make sure you are blocking. Do not panic, this room is VERY busy and those are easy to miss. Find your feet, and relax. The less running around you do the easier it is to see what is going on.

Levitate  – During the fight the boss will suspend a member of the group in mid air for around 5 seconds at most. This can be broken however. If you are the victim you can break free. And if you are not the victim you can bash/interrupt the boss and set your group member FREE!


Stormreeve Nedir

This boss for PUGs (pick up groups) is a NIGHTMARE! You must pay attention and you MUST co-ordinate. It is key that you watch your feet and her hands at all times! The tank should be taunting all the time of course but she WILL hit group members when she feels like it. Everyone should have their OWN space. Do not stack on each others feet else when she aims at YOU, you wont know that it is you and could be someone else instead (or vica versa) and it is incredibly difficult to react to the incoming damage.
Stand in a formation which clearly allows all 4 of you to have enough room to see if she is directly attacking you or someone else. Do not panic and stay close to her at all times unless mechanics prevent it, this is key…unless a certain mechanic happens (explained below) you MUST stay close!
Note: running around the room on this boss is certain death.

Light Attacks – The boss will hit who she likes when she likes, this is why you all find your own positions to make sure you know WHO she is aiming at. Stacking up will make this impossible to tell. She will fire off frost light attacks at her chosen target, usually x3 in a row. These HURT! If you are the target, shield and block (if magicka) or block/dodge roll if you are stamina and you can afford the stamina to do so. The healer should focus the target and keep them up as 2 of these in a row without a heal WILL kill you. If you are low cp/resists and you do not block…you are pretty much dead. Although the boss maybe taunted she will do this to whoever she likes.

Lightning Strike – When the boss raises her hand she will call down a lightning strike. Pretty much a mages wrath. She will LOOK at the target she is going to hit, if this is you, you MUST block (with a damage shield if you are magicka as well if possible) This deals ridiculous damage and if you are not blocking this can pretty much wipe out anyone but a tank. Also if you are not full health at the time, it can act exactly like mages wrath and execute you in one hit. BE careful. Remember position is key you NEED to know who she is aiming at.

BURST! – This MASSIVE AOE is not only a one shot to anyone that isn’t a tank but incredibly difficult to master if you are one of those “run around the room” types or one of those “i think i can make it ” types. Do NOT underestimate this mechanic because it ties in directly with the next one. She will start casting and a huge AOE will spread from under her feet. Get out of this as fast as possible and try to not run further than the very edge of the AOE. Once this reaches it’s peek it will burst and unless you are a meaty tank, ANYONE caught inside it is dead! As soon as this is over you MUST get straight back into your previous position (formation around the boss close as possible) without hesitation!

Superman Punch! – No the ability is not called a “superman punch” but it is appropriate. You will notice that i say stay near the boss at all times apart from the spreading AOE…then i note get back in ASAP! This is because if you are too far away from the boss, she will superman punch the person furthest a way and kill them in ONE SHOT!
Never stay away from the boss. The previous mechanic with the AOE based on THIS mechanic means..get out and get back in again FAST

Wind – This is a VERY important mechanic and you must have your eyes all over the place to keep track of it. There are winds/clouds/smoke whatever you want to call them, moving around the room. The longer the fight the more of these spawn and they are REALLY difficult to manage. If you get hit by them they will knock you back staggering you for a second and also deal damage. So you have to move around them.
Here is where it becomes a problem. IF the boss is doing her burst AOE mechanic and you move out of it (even in a dodge roll) and you catch a wind cloud, it will stagger you and push you back IN to the AOE. Meaning you are dead. If you get hit by the wind as she is starting her AOE you wont have time to get out and you are dead. IF you get hit by one while you escape the AOE you will be staggered and too far from her for too long and she will superman punch you meaning you are dead. And finally if you get hit by these during her light attack and/or her lightning splash you will take enough damage to make the next incoming attack one shot you…meaning (you guessed it) you are dead!
The damage from the clouds are not huge but these need to be avoided at all costs because they really mess with your performance and ability to complete the fight. So whenever you have to avoid a mechanic, LOOK around you and be careful. Don’t panic and watch your feet.

Recap: Stay close, block if she focuses you, get out of the AOE, get straight back IN again…avoid the wind, and for goodness sake do NOT run around the room panicking. GOOD LUCK!