This is one of the first dungeons you have access to at level 14 or if you travel to the opening yourself at lower levels. This is located at the center of the Grahtwood map as shown below.
The bosses are marked on the map below with their names and locations. I shall explain their mechanics as well as what you should and shouldn’t do while facing them.

Boss Fights

Akash Gra-mal

This boss is very simple as far as mechanics go. So long as the tank can block when required to, hold a taunt and keep the boss facing AWAY from the group, everything should be fine. Healers and dps should stand behind the boss at all times and stay close. DO NOT run around the room like a headless chicken it will not help.

Cleave – She will cleave in a frontal AOE in the shape of a cone, the tank should block this and hold her still making sure she does NOT face the group with this attack. It knocks back and can make things messy.

Whirlwind – Occasionally the boss will spin her weapon around her head making a whirlwind like AOE and anyone caught in this small damage circle will take damage per tick. Simply stay out of the circle and everything will be fine. No need for sprinting around, just get your feet out of it. The tank can stand in it if blocking but there is really no need, simply hold a taunt and keep her still. This ability by the way is usually followed by a heavy attack/uppercut which can and SHOULD be blocked.

Jump – IF you decide to start running around the room for no good reason, once someone gets too far from her she will randomly JUMP at players and land on their head. Do not run around, stay close to her and this mechanic will never happen. It is designed to keep up group co-ordination, and messy groups will have a problem with her.


Ancient Spriggan

This boss is not really of any threat what so ever and is funny to be even considered as a boss due to its low damage and low health, however it is one none the less and of course we will go over it.

Minions – As you enter the room you will notice that she will have 3 minions with her (smaller spriggans) these should be pulled together on top of the boss and turned away from the group. There are a few basic light attacks that they attempt to pull off and the odd heal which can be interrupted, however these can be killed VERY fast with even the lowest AOE damage.

HEAL – She will occasionally try to heal her self or her minions (if they last that long) and this is a channeled effect which is easily spotted by her raising her hands and can be interrupted to prevent her from doing so.

Apart from the above she has very weak light attacks, should be turned away from the group and burnt down on the spot. Some of the trash enemies can be considered harder than this boss…Until Elden Hollow II that is when we meet the darker version of her!



This boss has some of the simplest and obvious mechanics but can be SO messy in groups that do not focus on them. The tank should be taunting the boss at all times and turn the boss away from the group. The group should then circle fairly spread neatly around the boss but CLOSE to it. The tank needs to make sure that he/she blocks the heavy attacks which come occasionally during the fight to avoid being knocked down.

Vine pull – This Mechanic is very simple, IF you are too far away from the boss, it will chain you in and you are somewhat stuck for a second or so, this does minimal damage but is a pain and should be avoid if possible. This followed by the burst AOE mechanic can be a problem so do NOT run around the room, stay close unless mechanics mean you have to move.

Burst – very few seconds Chorkthorn will bury his head in the ground and a very large AOE will spread from the center of the room. This is your time to pay attention and get OUT of it. As soon as it is over, get back in close again. This is a very high damage ability and to a NON blocking NON shielded dps or healer, this will take around 90% of your max health from you and if unlucky can one shot people as well.
Simple mechanics, get out when it spreads, get back in when it is gone. If you are a tank caught in this, there is a low chance of dying but it WILL knock you down.

Healing Stranglers – Throughout the fight small stranglers will spawn around the room and attach a healing beam to the boss, healing for small amounts. These can be either interrupted or killed, but be sure to get back in position once you kill one to prevent the boss pulling you in with vines. With a LOW dps group if you don’t kill them or stay on interrupts then you can get overwhelmed with these and it becomes very hard to kill the boss due to the amount of stacking heals. So be sure to prioritize these targets.


Nenesh Gro-mal

This boss is sometimes hard to see, he is in a LARGE group of enemies with multiple melee, ranged and healer types. The tank should look for this guy first off and hold him on the spot facing away from the group. Then while holding the boss, try to pull in as many of the others as possible on top of him in order for the group to AOE damage the adds. DO NOT run around the room, let the tank control the targets before they get out of hand.

Heavy Attack – A simple uppercut which should be blocked or else you will get knocked down. This is fine for even a dps to block as it does barely any damage.

Lightning Form – Just like the sorcerer player ability, he is in the form of lightning and standing too close to him will zap players every second with shock damage, but the damage is VERY small. This shouldn’t cause much of a problem.

Burst/mages fury – This is a channeled attack which bursts lightning once in a small AOE. It does minimal damage BUT it can be interrupted. So if the team is on point with interrupts, this mechanic will not be a problem at all.



This boss is the big brother of the Alits in the dungeon. A big dinosaur looking boss with some very simple mechanics. He has one friend with him and the tank should taunt both the regular Alit and the boss and simply hold them together facing away from the group. The group should stay behind the boss at all times.

Bite – An extremely weak attack which the tank can withstand without even blocking however can be problematic if too many hit a dps or healer, keep the boss turned away from the group and on the tank to prevent anyone from being bitten.

Jump – Just like the other enemies of this kind, he will JUMP in the air and slam onto the target he has agro too (hopefully the tank). This is basically his heavy attack and MUST be blocked. A tank, dps or healer will live through this with a simple block BUT if not blocked it can do quite a lot of damage and knock down. Be sure the tank is taunting and blocking during this mechanic to save any issues. IF the boss is loose on a dps or healer however they should BLOCK and NOT run around the room. No need to run.

Breath and bite – This is a breathe IN animation followed by a pretty nasty bite. This should be kept facing the tank, do NOT spin the boss around because it is a cone shaped AOE and can hit more than one person. This can be blocked but also, while it is casting you can actually just step out of it and then once it is over, step back in again.


Canonreeve Oraneth

The final boss in this dungeon can be quite challenging. She has a lot of health and does a LOT of damage if people don’t pay attention. She can be taunted and held on the spot but a lot of mechanics will individually target other members of the group so co-ordination is key. You tank should hold the boss in the center of the room and your remaining group members should stand in a triangle formation having their OWN space just like in Spindleclucth fighting the whisperer. Do NOT run around the room. Find your spot and only move from it when you HAVE to.

Frost – Very much like lightning form (but without the visual) she will spawn a frost ability which will do very small damage over time to people very close to her, this is weak but indicates her next mechanic is coming (the poison bolt).

Poison Bolt – This s the reason you must stay in formation. Although the tank can hold a taunt on her for the whole fight, THIS mechanic is random and she will cast it on whoever she wants. She will physically turn and face the target she has chosen, wind up a channeled ability and fire a poison bolt at the player. If this is YOU, you NEED to dodge roll as she casts it. Doing so will mean you completely avoid the damage. BUT if you miss time it you will be hit with the bolt and take a LOT of damage along side having a small damage over time on you also. This can kill most dps/healer types if they are not paying attention.

Once you have dodged the mechanic, get back in position ASAP. Don’t sprint around the room.

Stun – This is a very easy to spot mechanic, she will place a rather small AOE on the ground on a player of her choice, or NEAR a player. Hands will come out of the ground and pull the player in to the hole stunning them in place. The simple resolve to this mechanic is “don’t stand in it”.

Skeletons – Another small AOE similar to the one above but this one actually spawns 4x skeleton enemies. These should be killed quickly with AOE damage and the tank should try to grab them and put them with the boss (chains,range taunts, don’t run around the room). These if controlled will not cause much of a problem BUT if you run around the room panicking you are going to distract the group from the rest of the mechanics and risk wiping everyone out. Keep co-ordinated and don’t panic. If they are on you, just block until the tank can grab them, or kill them fast, whichever works best for your group. They do heavy attack though so look out for those.

BLAST – This HUGE obvious growing AOE is very simple. Get out of it or die. When you see it spreading, move backwards until you are out of it, and then when it is gone get back in again. A tank can withstand the damage if they are chunky enough but will get knocked back. A dps or healer will die in one shot.
Pay attention and once it is gone, get back into your assigned position. Again running around is going to make things a MESS, so find your spot and only move when you have to, then get back where you were.