Depths of Malatar

This dungeon you will have access to at level 45 or if you travel to the opening yourself at lower levels.
This is located in the Western Part of the Gold Coast map as shown below left.

The bosses are marked on the map below right with their names and locations. I shall explain their mechanics as well as what you should and shouldn’t do while facing them.

Boss Fights


The Scavenging Maw



This can be simple or a complete mess! This will take some co-ordination and above all as LITTLE panic as possible. Sounds easy right? Well actually to most based on this boss’s design that is the complete opposite of what ends up happening in PUGS. This boss to the inexperienced player can come across terrifying, so if you don’t like horror films, leave that at the door! The tank will need to focus, be very careful of positioning, do NOT drop taunt, and above all collectively, stay together as a group during the mechanics. Scooby Doo is usually right, splitting up to look for the bad guys is a BAD idea (you will see why)!

Breath – As expected of Hunger type enemies, this boss does have a  nasty frontal cone shaped breath attack. This does high damage over time and needs to be avoided. If you are dps or healers and you stand in this you WILL die. The tank must try to keep the boss faced away from the group and block this while staying alive. If you run around the breath will follow you and you will end up spinning this onto the group and they will wipe. You MUST maintain a taunt and keep it off the group. If the boss goes loose for any reason and you as a dps/healer are in it, the best option you have for survival is to dodge roll through the boss to spin it BACK onto the tank so they can recover. But generally if this mechanic is not controlled, you are dead.

Spit – The boss fire a nasty poison spit at the tank (or whoever has agro). When this lands, anyone standing in it will take HUGE damage over time. Most tanks will not be able to stand up to this.
Not to mention the boss will actually fire this twice! So when it lands, step backwards out of it with the boss (maintaining a taunt) and when the second one lands do the same (walk backwards). Once you are out of BOTH of the aoes you will be safe. The dps and healers should follow the tank’s path BUT do NOT stand in stupid, you will die!

Heavy attack – The boss will Launch a heavy attack and if this is on the tank a simple block will suffice. If you miss you are going to be knocked down and most likely will die.

Shadow Jump – The boss will vanish into the air and a heavy attack mechanic (white sparks) will be aimed at the group, presented by a spreading aoe under the feet of the players. When the aoe hits is peak and he is about to HIT, dodge roll out of it and your sill survive. If you don’t you will be killed!

Hide and seek! – This is the mechanic that makes everyone panic. You are in a scary warehouse type room with an invisible hunger stalking you!
This will happen based on health and at each stage you will have to complete this phase the same way.
This will happen at 80%, 50% and finally at 25%!

The boss will disappear and you will need to find him, BUT aoes will spawn out of the ground, which you MUST avoid (represented by a spreading aoe and then a totem will appear). Adds will spawn (as many as 3 hungers) which need to be killed and if you FIND the boss…whoever found him will be fed on and pinned to the ground.

THIS is the most important thing to note…make your TANK lead the group and everyone must STAY TOGETHER! If you split up the one left alone and they accidentally trigger the boss they will be fed on and die in the dark!

When someone finds the boss you must interrupt the boss to get them off of your team mate and then continue the fight with the above mechanics.

Key points: Stay together, kill adds, avoid aoes, interrupt the boss when he jumps out and pins whoever finds him. If you stick to this, you will be fine. If not it is your own horror story!



The Weeping Woman



This fight is actually pretty straight forward but can get messy extremely fast if people don’t pay attention or get too cocky. If you try to NUKE this boss and you don’t have good aoe damage, you will get overwhelmed with adds and these adds are NO picnic. These can heavy attack a dps and one shot them, they can even one shot a tank! SO, pay attention to the mechanics, watch your feet and try not to show off too much. Most pugs wipe and rage quit because of these problems.

Geyser – This is a typical Nerid/leminid type mechanic which if you have seen Scaelcaller you should be familiar with. Multiple geysers will spray out of the ground. If you get hit by these you will be suspended in the air and take HUGE damage. Watch your feet and don’t stand in these!

ICE!!! – This is extremely easy to see. You will get 2 types of AOE attacks in the room which look like big whirling ice effects. These must be avoided following the description of each type below and at low health you will get BOTH!

Outside AOE: This is a big ring around the outside of the room which you need to avoid by staying in the middle of the room.
Inside AOE: This is the same as the above but instead of being on the outside of the room, is in the middle! Simply do the opposite of the above and stay on the outside.
Execute AOE: During low health you will get BOTH of these aoes and there will be a thin strip between the two which you must stand in to avoid them both.

Ice Atronach – These adds must be focused. They have huge heavy attacks and put nasty stunning and immobilizing high damage based aoes on the ground. When these are up stop focusing the boss and kill them as soon as possible.

Small Ice Aoes – These are pretty much the same as the aoes the Atronachs can place just a bit larger, watch your feet. These usually happen before the Geysers spawn.

Watchers! – These adds MUST die as a priority target at ALL costs and the tank must have these taunted at ALL times. They have high health, they have nasty aoe attacks and above all their heavy attack can one shot even the meatiest tank if they are not blocking. DPS and healers CANNOT block their heavy attack. If one of these is swinging at you, be sure to time it well and dodge roll other wise it is goodnight!

These will spawn at health % of the boss and this is why you have to be careful not to over burn unless you can really handle it!

They spawn at 75%, 55% and 35% health.



Dark Orb



This boss can be a bit of a pug killer especially with people that like to yolo and show off about their dps. There are a lot of things going on here. 4 mechanics that have to be understood as well as a main target and SO many adds! Your tank has to be not only strong, but capable of holding agro on MULTIPLE targets and keeping them OFF the group. If adds start running around the room, everyone is dead! The main focus is of course the Dark Orb, but during the fight at health % the dark orb will introduce new mechanics which together you must focus before killing the main target. So, team work is KEY here.

Basic adds – During the fight several different basic adds will spawn, melee types, archer types and mages and these are fairly low health. The tank should pull these together as soon as possible and they should be killed by the group. These are not a real threat but on top of the BIG adds that are coming, can get a little overwhelming, so be sure to kill these, and interrupt arrow spray type abilities!

Aurorans – These adds will spawn through out the fight and there are 4 different types.
Each one has different effects but all are deadly! The can cast dawn breakers, different elemental effects and also some nasty frontal aoe lightning jedi power type abilities. The tank MUST grab these and keep them faced away from the group at all times.

The 4 different types are :
Radiant Auroran (Jesus beam)
Phosphorescent Auroran (ice)
Blazing Auroran (fire)
Scintillating Auroran (lightning)

Each one of these can have similar effects to the orbs of their corresponding types.

ORBS! – During the fight the Dark orb will spawn OTHER orbs in the room as well as the adds!
This is when you need to take your focus off the main target and focus the orb in the room. There are 4 types of orbs:

Radiant (yellow) – These can affect the group with healing debuffs

Phosphorescent (blue) – These cause aoe ice damage and place ice aoes on the ground which MUST be avoided however they do spawn an ice pillar in the middle of them and they can be killed with JUST a light attack. The healer will need to focus heals to anyone close to these due to the amount of aoe damage they emit.

Blazing (red) – These call down meteors to each player and when they land they burst into multiple floor based moving aoes. You must avoid the meteor and THEN get in the gaps between the scattered aoes after wards. These are tricky and must be learnt to be dealt with FAST (incredibly important for the last boss).

Scintillating (purple) – These cause lightning damage and can cast multiple fast paced splashes on the ground coming from EACH player. Moving in a fast tight circle will make you avoid the damage and let them disburse but if you do not, you will get overwhelmed with damage and die fast!

TACTICS!: Focus the Dark orb, when the adds spawn get the tank to pull them all into the corner and focus them with aoe and ultimates.

While orbs are present, KILL the orb and THEN kill remaining adds before going back to the main orb in the middle. When the next orb spawns, go kill the orb, THEN the adds, then the dark orb, rinse repeat!



King Narilmor



This boss is another pug killer! This is where a completely new mechanic comes into play. You start off fighting the boss in the middle of the room with the tank turning the boss away and simply focus on what you are doing while interrupting mechanics as and when, BUT things are about to get crazy. The boss will split into x4!! The tank needs to taunt ALL bosses and manipulate their positioning with range to get them as close to each other as possible while MAINTAINING taunts and helping to interrupt them. This is gona get tricky! 

The Split!  The boss splits into x4 reflections each with a damage and only ONE of them is the real one. There are many ways to do this but in the video we demonstrated what i would consider one of the easiest methods (apart from “cheesing” which we will NOT be doing!).
Each time the boss splits up, get the 2 dps to focus on ONE target. If the damage shield falls off and that target disappears, if is a fake one and move on to the next. Rinse and repeat.
HOWEVER, if the damage shield falls off and it continues to take damage…STAY on THAT BOSS! it is the REAL one!
The tank at this point needs to keep taunts, and interrupts while trying to carefully position them as close to each other as possible to prevent lots of running around the room.

NOTE: every boss reflection can have the SAME abilities as the main boss. There are a LOT of interrupts to pay attention to! Sometimes 2x per boss in less than 5 seconds. This is where your most BASIC “tutorial taught mechanics” come into play. Pace your resources and be sure to utilize the “bash” move, or abilities that physically interrupt targets as MUCH as possible. If you do not, you WILL wipe.

Lazy players here will cause constant wipes. So focus on the mechanics. 

Against the elements!  The boss and every reflection can have a RANDOM color (blue/red/yellow/purple) and yes unfortunately if you didn’t pay attention to the previous fight this will make NO sense.
Simply put however, each colour represents the ORB abilities from the Previous fight.

Yellow – Affects the group with (life steal) healing debuffs and can cast Jesus beam (Radiant Oppression) which can and MUST be interrupted.

Blue – AOE Ice damage as well as a spreading ice blast (don’t stand in this) and place ice aoes on the ground which MUST be avoided however they do spawn an ice pillar in the middle of them and they can be killed with JUST a light attack.

Red – These call down meteors to each player and when they land they burst into multiple floor based moving aoes. You must avoid the meteor and THEN get in the gaps between the scattered aoes.

Purple – These cause lightning damage splashes and can cast multiple fast paced splashes on the ground coming from EACH player. Moving in a fast tight circle will make you avoid the damage and let them disburse but if you do not, you will get overwhelmed with damage and die fast! 

Power Of The Light – This is pretty much the same as the Templar ability. This will be cast onto one player and over time it will absorb more damage before it explodes. Be sure to interrupt if you see the boss or any reflections channeling.

Dawn Breaker! – The boss/reflections will occasionally cast a dawn breaker sword slamming animation and will do HUGE damage to people in front of it. Do not stand infront of the bosses when this happens and if you are the tank, be sure to block.

Tharayya and Quintus! – During the fight Quintus and Tharayya are fighting! Keep heals on Tharayya (we did in the video with basic aoe heals on the ground) to stop her from getting into trouble. If the Ghost gets the better of her, the bosses will get MASSIVE damage shields and the fight will get a LOT tougher. Be careful! The healer has a lot to do here keeping the group up and the NPC, BUT many hots and many aoe ground based aoe heals is key to everyone’s survival!



Symphony Of Blades



This boss is a simple fight IF you understand the colours mechanics from the rest of the dungeon. However above all this fight is 100% built on co-ordination and footwork. There is NO rush and there is NO dps requirement. This fight really is ALL about mechanics!
The tank should hold the boss in the center of the room and the gorup should stand in a triangle formation BEHIND the boss. Never drop the taunt on that boss!

Heavy attack – This is a very simple and obvious mechanic, the boss will hit with a large wound up heavy attack and this MUST be blocked. If for some reason you are not the tank and the heavy attack is coming to you, time it well and DODGE roll it. Do not run away do NOT try to block, you WILL die.

Aoe and Stun – This is a very simple mechanic. One player in the group will be picked at random and a spreading aoe will spawn under their feet and be connected to them. Do NOT panic, do NOT run, this is on YOU. So simply block while it pops and when it does, break from from it.  Stay as still as possible and do not put it on top of your team mates. If someone else has this on them do NOT run into the aoe. Let it run it’s course.

SPIN! – This is very very similar to the first boss in Hel Ra, where the boss spins his swords like crazy and has an AOE showing the distance in which the spin will reach. Prior to this you get a brief warning of the aoe spreading. Once it hits its peak it will start. Anyone caught in this spin will die unless they are a tank. Some tanks can stand still and block it, others may want to walk back wards holding block to slowly kite the boss until it is over. BUT at all costs you must NOT run through the group with this. DPS and Healers should just stay out of the spin.

Sword Throwing – The boss will channel an ability where he will look like he is hugging himself. This can be interrupted but if NOT he will throw his swords spinning out in front of him and then they will return again. This deals moderate damage and is not too much of a threat to the tank but should be avoided by the dps and healers. If your tank is experienced in the first boss of Hel Ra, so far all of these mechanics are going to be extremely familiar and borderline identical.

THE WALL!!!– Do NOT panic! Yes you have seen the ghost wall in fang lair and this is no different in the way that it works damage wise…Basically if you touch it, you die. BUT unlike fang lair you can KILL the ghosts! Wach phase there will be two walls. One in front and one behind. Simply get your group to focus on ONE ghost and kill it, then get in the new gap to be safe and let the wall pass. The easiest option most of the time is to agree on the middle target. That way the tank really doesn’t ever have to move and you can continue as normal.

Aurorans! – During Health % stages of the boss, as well as the wall phase, the boss will go IMMUNE!
When this happens there will be 4x sow walking Aurorans coming from each corner of the room. Red, purple, yellow, blue and each one represents the damage types and effects from previous bosses.
You need to kill the Aurorans of YOUR choice before they reach the middle. Each one that REACHES the boss will dissolve and buff him with THAT effect for 40seconds!!!

If he consumes a yellow add he will be able to apply a heal debuff to the group and a Jesus beam to the tank
If he consumes red he will apply meteors
If he consumes blue he will spawn ice aoes and pillars and aoe ice damage
If he consumes Purple he will spawn nasty lightning splashes.

All of these were explained in detail in other bosses but you must understand what each one does fully to fight against it.

It is not the end of the world if he gets buffed because it is time based and if you understand the mechanics you can avoid them, BUT the more of the Aurorans you kill, the less he will be buffed and the easier it will be. However if you can only kill one, we found the red meteor buff to be the most dangerous, so focus the red one. Failing that, the lighting (purple one ) can also be an issue. So prioritize a target and stick to it.

This stage will happen around 80% and again at around 50-45% (depending on overlapping mechanics).

ORBS! – During the fight the orbs from the “Dark Orb” boss will appear in the room with a random colour! This is when you need to take your focus off boss and get the orb down as fast as possible. Orb ALWAYS takes priority!! UNLESS there is a wall coming in which case, wall first, orb second, boss last!

EXACTLY like before there are 4 types of orbs:

Yellow – These can affect the group with a healing debuffs

Blue – These cause aoe ice damage and place ice aoes on the ground which MUST be avoided however they do spawn an ice pillar in the middle of them and they can be killed with JUST a light attack. The healer will need to focus heals to anyone close to these due to the amount of aoe damage they emit.

Red – These call down meteors to each player and when they land they burst into multiple floor based moving aoes. You must avoid the meteor and THEN get in the gaps between the scattered aoes after wards. These are tricky and must be learnt to be dealt with FAST.

Purple – These cause lightning damage and can cast multiple fast paced splashes on the ground coming from EACH player. Moving in a fast tight circle will make you avoid the damage and let them disburse but if you do not, you will get overwhelmed with damage and die fast!

THE FINAL FIGHT!!! – At 11% health and below (depending on overlapping mechanics the boss will go into the Celestial Realm and drag you down with him. His MAX health doubles and his health goes up to 50%…so basically yes, you have over 7million health to get through.

THIS is a lot simpler than people think. It isnt a burn fest, there is no execute mechanic or panic. You can take as long as you need to BUT there are rules!

The tank needs to taunt the boss at all times of course and keep the boss faced away from the group.
When you first spawn into the other realm the boss is so busy putting down long ranged attacks that he in fact wont move, so you DO have a bit of a burst moment here if you want to take advantage of it. FAILING that, save up your ultimates for the ORBS! Yes they are coming.

The boss now has ALL 4 element type attacks!

Radiant = 5 second heal debuff and jesus beam on the tank
Lightning splashes = Tight circles away from people to kite your splashes away from you.
Meteors = avoid the impact and then avoid the splash from the center of them (basically get away)
Ice = kill the pillar and don’t stand in the aoe

These above all are EASIEST managed by simply spreading out and NEVER stacking. If you stack you WILL die.

WHILE all of this is happening Orbs will enter the room with a random colour and these must be your 100% focus! Kill the orbs! The boss isn’t going anywhere, get them down at all costs. You can take as long as you need passively killing the boss but those orbs have got to go!

And finally (the trickiest mechanic in this fight) the walls are back…they are smaller walls, so you can run AROUND them rather than killing the ghosts, but you are going to get  LOADS of them coming from many different directions.

If you hang on the edges too much or in a corner you run a massive risk of them spawning where you are standing so do NOT hug the edges!

When the walls come in, keep an eye on the orbs and kill them, keep an eye on the mechanics avoid them, keep damage on the boss, STAY spread out AND walk around the walls.

This takes a lot of focus and ZERO panic. If you panic you will die.

Again to repeat, there is NO rush. Take your time, avoid the walls and keep doing what you are doing until that boss is dead.

Stacking, over burning without looking, and panic will kill you all!

Focus! And GOOD LUCK!