The Wing of the netch

Quest giver: Fable of the Netch
Location: The Scholarium

  • Account upgrade: Sigil of the Luminary Netch
  • Adds Affix Scripts as possible rewards from daily World Event quests, daily Imperial City quests, and daily Undaunted quests.
  • Unlocks a rotating selection of Affix Scripts on the Scholarium Vendor and the Infinite Archive Vendor.
  • Allows Luminous Ink to rarely drop when harvesting crafting materials. As account-wide unlocks, these benefits are available immediately upon playing other characters.

1. Starting the Wing of the Netch questline

You start the Wing of the Netch quest by reading the Nable of the Fetch in front of his Wing for the ESO Scribing Guide quest. The Netch has a very distinct sense of humor which you will quickly find out. The Netch questline seems slightly shorter than the other ones. The quests takes place in Vvardenfell.

Nable of the Fetch in front of the door.

The echo spawns squirrels which you need to follow

You find the true Fable of the Netch (Annotated) on a table near the Scholarium Vendor

Fable of the Netch (Annotated)

You can use the wayshrine or the portal to travel to Vvardenfell

2. The First Netch Key Fragment

ou will find the The First Netch Key Fragment in Vvardenfell, Esutanamus.


Location of the first Netch key fragment.

First focus point and the ward.

Second focus point and the ward.

Third focus point and the ward.

First fragment of the Netch key will appear on the last focus points location

3. The Second Netch Key Fragment

You will find the The Second Netch Key Fragment in Vvardenfell, Balmora.


Location of the second Netch Key Fragment.

Location of the first focus point and ward

Location of the second focus point and ward

Location of the third focus point and ward

Second Netch Key Fragment

4. The Third Netch Key Fragment

You will find the The Third Netch Key Fragment in Vvardenfell, Nchuleft Depths (Delve).

Location of the third Netch Key Fragment.

Location of the first focus point and ward.

Location of the second focus point and ward.

Location of the thid focus point and ward.

The Third Dragon Key Fragment.

5. Revealing the Door of the Netch

The Netch spawns five keys and five doors. The correct Netch door is circled in the image below.

Location of the Netchs Door, near Sadrith Mora in Vvardenfell.

Five keys for the Netchs door will spawn

The correct door of the Netch

The Netch

By placing the Fable on the dais you open the path for magic to flow to the Scholarium Altar

6. Games of the Netch

The Netch thinks tests are weighty, not good for floating so he presents you with some games to play that take the weight off the shoulders.

Games of the Netch

  • Defeat Champion of Forgotten Wastes or Nchuleftingth
    • Any boss inside the Public Dungeons will do
  • Gather Mementos from Daedra in Imperial City 0/3
    • Loot three “Mementos of the Fallen Soldier” from daedra in Imperial City. Any daedra/xivkyn will work.
      • You can port to Imperial City via the Alliance War Menu (L key by default on PC) by right clicking an Imperial City campaign and entering. Use the ladders if you wish to go above the sewers.
  • Recover Stolen Items from Vassir-Didanat Mines 0/3
    • Loot three “Recovered Merchant Goods”. All three stolen crates can be found outside the actual mine.
  • Slay Daedra Across Vvardenfell 0/15
    • Daedric Ruins have the highest chance of daedra spawning. Any ogrim, xivkyn, scamp etc. will work. Fire Atronachs will not count. (Most Daedric Ruins marked on the image below)
  • Close Incursion Portal in West Weald
    • Close any of the four Incursion Portals: Sutch Mirrormoor Mosaic, Ostumir Mirrormoor Mosaic, Silorn Mirrormoor Mosaic or Colovia Mirrormoor Mosaic
  • Catch Luminary-Blessed Fish Across Vvardenfell 0/3
    • Any fishing node in Vvardenfell will work. All buffs that help you catch higher quality fish will also help you here. Champion Points: Reel Technique and Angler’s Instincts, Food: Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl and the Companion Sharp-as-Night “Sharp’s Patience” passive buff.

Games of the Netch

Kill any boss in the Vvardenfell Public Dungeons Forgotten Wastes or Nchuleftingth.

Loot three “Mementos of the Fallen Soldier” from daedra in Imperial City Use the ladders if you wish to go above the sewers.

Loot three “Recovered Merchant Goods” from the three Stolen Crates in Vassir-Didanat Mines.

Kill 15 Daedra in Vvardenfell. Daedric Ruins have the highest chance of daedra spawning. Any ogrim, xivkyn, scamp etc. will work

Close Incursion Portal in West Weald

Catch three Luminary-Blessed Fish. Any fishing node in Vvardenfell will work. All buffs that help you catch higher quality fish will also help you here. Champion Points: Reel Technique and Angler’s Instincts, Food: Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl and the Companion Sharp-as-Night “Sharp’s Patience” passive buff.

7. Craft a riddle for the Dragon

After completing the riddles, The Dragon tasks you to construct a clever, devious riddle exclusive for her. She wants a riddle that is impossible, one she cannot solve but still has an answer. You do not need to think of a riddle as the game gives you the right answer and no choices.

Jahones and Elic Valain can be found in the clinic in Suran, Vvardenfell

Votary Nahlia will create portals for you to use.

First Soul Fragment is in Dragon’s Bridge Smuggler Caves.

Second Soul Fragment is in Borderwatch Ruins

Third Soul Fragment is in Blight Bog Sump. You will need to kill the inevitable End first.

Jahones Valain and his regrets

You can take the portal outside back to the Scholarium.

Sigil of the Netch

8. Activating the Fountain of the Netch

The Netch rewards you with the Sigil of the Luminary Netch which you will use to activate the Fountain of the Netch. Votary Nahlia rewards you with 3 Luminous Ink.

9. What to do after completing the Wing of the Netch?

You have now unlocked Affix Scripts for the Scribing system as possible rewards from daily World Event quests, daily Imperial City quests, and daily Undaunted quests., as well as a rotating selection of Affix Scripts on the Scholarium Vendor and the Infinite Archive Vendor. You can choose which of the two script types you want to unlock next:

  • The Wing of the Gryphon  Focus scripts
  • The Wing of the Dragon Signature Scripts, Mages Guild Script Chase and Class Mastery Script Chase